
Sugar rush meaning
Sugar rush meaning

sugar rush meaning

For most of human history, it was important to eat a lot of calories in order to survive. Researchers think that this might be because our bodies have adapted over time to seek out foods that are high in calories. This is similar to the way the brain reacts to the ingestion of substances like heroin and cocaine. When an individual eats sugar, the brain produces huge surges of dopamine. Like sex and dopamine, sugar and dopamine are also heavily linked. Over time, the brain loses its ability to produce its own dopamine and depends on substances to create it. In comparison, drugs cause the brain to flood with dopamine and trick it into believing that drugs are necessary and important for human survival. And to encourage the individual to engage in that same behavior again. So it produces high levels of dopamine during and after sex in order to reinforce that it’s a good, useful action. For example, the brain perceives sex as important for procreation. The brain uses it as a reward system to reinforce certain behaviors.

sugar rush meaning sugar rush meaning

Dopamine is the chemical that causes feelings of pleasure and happiness. When an individual engages in a behavior that the brain perceives as beneficial to survival (due to thousands of years of evolution and basic instinct), it produces a chemical signal called dopamine. And for newly sober addicts and alcoholics, the chemical process of addictive substance use in the brain can cause intense sugar cravings during early recovery. What this means is that sugar and drug addiction are similar in a lot of surprising ways. However, there is a link between sugar and dopamine, the same chemical that releases in the body during illicit drug use. There’s validity to the argument that refutes these studies- lab rats are different than humans, human possess higher reasoning skills that may influence choices, and the market for drugs and cookies are vastly different (which most certainly influences consumption). Heroin and cocaine can lead to homelessness, jail, and fatal overdose- no one ever hears a case of someone pawning family heirlooms in order to buy their next box of Double Stuffed. drugs studies may cause a lot of people, especially addicts and alcoholics, to scoff. Giving into Sugar’s Dopamine Response in Early Recovery This is due to the link between sugar and dopamine, the “pleasure and reward” chemical in the brain. These publications cite research that shows lab rats are just as and sometimes more likely to choose Oreos over injections of drugs like morphine when given the choice. Several published studies claim that sugar is just as addictive as drugs like cocaine and heroin.

Sugar rush meaning